Go All Out! Wiki
Image Discription Referance
Vaako color 1
blue and yellow skin with red

and black clothes and light

grey metal with yellow rope

Vaako's default color
Vaako color 2
Maroon and green skin with

green and black clothes and

light blue metal with yellow


Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 3
yellow and brown skin with

blue and black clothes and

grey metal with yellow rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 4
black and green skin with

black, purple and red clothes

and red and grey metal with

green rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 5
grey and yellow skin with

cyan and black clothes with

orange metal with yellow


Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 6
blue and green skin with

cyan, black and white clothes

with orange and light blue

metal with grey rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 7
green and red skin with red

and black clothes with

orange metal and yellow


color inspiration from Reptile

from Mortal Kombat

Vaako color 8
black and red skin, with black

and red clothes with grey

metal and rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 9
orange and turquoise skin,

with black and turquoise

clothes, with grey metal and

brown rope

Go All Out! Original
*insert color 10 here*
Vaako color 11
everything in shade

of black with little grey

chain metal

suppose to represent evil
Vaako color 12
blue-grey and red skin with

green and black clothes and

red metal with red rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 13
beige and red skin with

red, white and blue clothes

and white metal with black


colors based on Spike,

a protagonist from

the game, Ape Escape

Vaako color 14
dark blue and purple skin

with green, blue and black

clothes with blue metal

and purple rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 15
red and yellow skin with

purple and black clothes with

yellow metal and yellow rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 16
green and red skin with dark

green and brown clothes with

red and purple metal and

dark green rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 17
yellow skin, grey and light

blue clothes with green metal

and rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 18
blue and light blue skin,

blue and light blue shirt, red

and black pants and grey

metal and rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 19
green skin, yellow and white

shirt, green pants, and grey

metal and rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 20
purple and blue skin, black

and light blue clothes, blue

metal and rope

Go All Out! Original
Vaako color 21
white and black spots skin,

black shirt, purple pants

grey metal and black rope

suppose to make Vaako look

like a dalmatian dog

Vaako color minion
Calamity Minion shader

(mostly jade green)

Calamity skin

(can be unlocked by beating

Calamity in arcade mode as


Vaako color survivor
Survivor shader

(blue, yellow and white)

Survivor skin

(can be unlocked by completing

Survivor mode as Vaako)

Vaako color Vaakuigi
custom made skin 'Vaakuigi'

(colour suppose to make

Vaako look like Waluigi from

the Super Mario series)

Vaako color Valentines
Valentines Shader

(pink, red and hearts)

Valentines Event skin

(can be unlocked by

completing 3 online matches

as Vaako)

(limited time event)


  • Vaakuigi was the first color (beside community and survivor colors) that has a name in the color name
  • Vaakuigi was also made as a joke due to how many people are upset that Waluigi isn't in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a playable fighter