Go All Out! Wiki

Breakbone's colors gallery[]

Image Discription Reference
Breakbone color 1
brown vest, white headband

white pants, brown rope

brown shoes

this is Breakbone's default color

and is based on what he looks

like in the comics

Breakbone color 2
orange vest, green headband

red pants, light yellow rope

brown shoes

club has white paint on it

colors based on Jaga,

Breakbone's wife

Breakbone skin 3
black vest, brown headband

green pants with patches

dark brown rope, brown shoes

colors based on Kayko

who is the main character

in the comic series

Breakbone skin 4
orange vest, white headband

light blue pants, yellow rope

orange shoes

club is coloured orange

Go All Out! original
Breakbone color 5
red vest, white headband

white pants, yellow rope

red shoes

based on the original prototype

colors for Breakbone in the comics

before they changed it to what

it is in the default color

Breakbone skin 6
light green vest, red headband

grey pants that is detailed

yellow rope, green shoes

with green camouflage on

chest face and arms

suppose to look like

forest camouflage

Breakbone color 7
pink vest, pink headband

grey and dark grey square

patterned pants, dark brown

rope, pink shoes.

his hair changed to pink

and have a purple wrist band,

a golden chain necklace

and rings on his fingers

looking similar to missing

textures in most games,

based on the patterns

and colors of this skin

Breakbone color 8
white vest with black lines

in the middle and bottom,

red headband, grey pants

in a lined pattern, yellow rope

brown shoes, club has white

paint on it

this is a skin made by Yarheeguy

who based this on on Knaveknights

colors who are from the comic

Breakbone color 9
everything black apart from

ropes, shoes and headband

which is brown with details

on chest

suppose to make him look

like a werewolf (according

to BlueSunsetGames)

Breakbone color 10
shades of blue with blue

lines on arms, with brown


Go All Out! Original

(though an old version of this

skin had a blue belly that looks

like the BlueSunsetGames logo)

Breakbone skin 11
brown vest, blue headband

blue pants, yellow rope,

blue shoes with green stains

around the vest, pants and

shoes, skin tone is green

and there are scars and

stitches on Breakbone's

chest, face and arm

suppose to make him look

like a zombie

Breakbone color 12
similar to color 8, but the

shade of this color skin

is in black and white

reference to pencil colors

for early comic drawings

Breakbone color 13
black vest, brown headband

brown rope, yellow pants

with patches and brown

shoes, club is colored brown

Go All Out! original
Breakbone color 14
everything dark purple

with details on chest

Go All Out Original
Breakbone color 15
blue and grey vest and pants,

brown rope red shoes and

yellow headband, club is

coloured dark brown

Go All Out! Original
Breakbone color 16
turquoise vest, pants and

headband, light yellow rope

and brown shoes

Go All Out! Original
Breakbone color 17
yellow vest and headband,

maroon pants, light yellow

rope and brown shoes

Go All Out! Original
Breakbone color 18
brown vest, red headband

grey pants that is detailed

yellow rope, dark green shoes

with brown camouflage on

chest face and arms

Go All Out! Original
Breakbone color 19
dark pink vest, pink headband

grey and yellow square

patterned pants, dark brown

rope, purple shoes.

and have a purple wrist band,

a golden chain necklace

and rings on his fingers

Go All Out! Original
Breakbone color 20
everything black and

maroon with detailson

chest and arms

Go All Out! Original
Breakbone color Calamity
Calamity Minion shader

(mostly jade green)

Calamity skin

(can be unlocked by beating

Calamity in arcade mode as


Breakbone survivor
Survivor shader

(blue, yellow and white)

Survivor skin

(can be unlocked by completing

Survivor mode as Breakbone)

Breakbone color Valentines
Valentines Shader

(pink, red and hearts)

Valentines Event skin

(can be unlocked by

completing 3 online matches

as Breakbone)

(limited time event)
