Go All Out! Wiki
Lineup 2

Go All Out has a selection of fighters with their own unique fighting style, there are a total of 8 fighters that are in-game, both in which are Original characters for the game, while others are Third-Party characters that are from different series on different platform.

Go All Out! Fighters

Breakbone character
Cole Black character
Erica character
Graphite character
Lord Clonington character card
Paco and Cool character
Raptor character
Teslakid character card
Vaako character
Yakshi character card
Yandere-Chan character cards

Upcoming Fighters

as Go All Out! updates, new fighters comes into the game, click the link below to find out hints about the upcoming fighters for the game

Upcoming Fighter page

Select Screen Evolution

Select screen for characters have been changing during last months.

Find out more here: Select Screen Page
